Perfil de Andrés Avaray

"The girl with no name". Game concept art quick pitch.

Quick look & feel pitch done a couple of years ago for a game. I have just found it opening some old folders.

The main goal was to merge western and a sci-fi aesthetics in a cartoonish style. The final result is no greatly different from what would have been a 'Firefly' series cartoon version. The main character inspiration was Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no name' character from those classic Sergio Leone's films. Curiously, that character was a western version of the Kurosawa's films character 'Sanjuro', name which meaning is also cryptic: '30 years old man'. I would like to do a second version of this pitch but merging samurai and sci-fi looks sometime :D
"The girl with no name". Game concept art quick pitch.
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"The girl with no name". Game concept art quick pitch.

Quick look and feel pitch merging wester and sci-fi aesthetics in a cartoon style.

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