Perfil de Катя Гущина

my iran diary p.1

UPD(21.08.20)Thank you all for your interest and your kind words, because of them this diary and the second part of it (click) were featured on Illustration board of Behance (twice!!!)
♡ these sketches were partly published in my book "Unbelievable year",you can get it here
♡ all my later work is published on my facebook - come say hi!
в начале этого года я получила приглашение от школы культурологии ниу вшэ принять участие в их очередной экспедиции в качестве иллюстратора. на этот раз финальной точкой маршрута был иран. три недели в пути на четырех машинах, из москвы через ростов, владикавказ, тбилиси, сигнахи, ереван. затем въезжаем в иран: тебриз, тегеран, исфахан и язд

i was invited by hse culturology school to join their expedition as illustrator. this time they were going to iran. three weeks in four cars, starting from moskow to rostov, vladikavkaz, tbilisi, signakhi and erevan. then - entering iran in tebriz, tegeran, isfahan and yazd.

part one:

здесь - первая часть трехнедельного путешествия, промежуток от москвы до тебриза / here is the first part of three weeks of expedition. how we went from moskow (russia) to tebriz (iran)
два одинаковых скетчбука - один походный, второй для доработки дома, их можно отличить по стершейся наклейке / here are two sketchbooks - first was for the expedition, second - for finishing this work at home. you can recognize it by looking at the sticker with expedition logo - the first is scratched.
p.s. just kidding about my visa picture!

привет, меня зовут катя гущина. и я еду в иран / hello, my name is kate guschina. and i am going to iran.
хотелось назвать это, как в хоббите: "иран. туда и обратно". в сущности, самым тяжелым было только "ешьте медленее, я рисую". я нигде не расставалась с пеналом (именно поэтому на иранской границе попрощалась с ним на два дня) и скетчбуком, но это не было окончательным результатом / If i was lucky to name my work after Tolkien's "The Hobbit" i would probably do so. I think, "Iran. There and back again" sounds pretty good. The hardest part in that expedition was asking my friends not to eat their food so fast, because i needed more time to make a sketch of them. i drew many pages in my sketchbook, but still it was not a final result. 
немного кривая карта с расстояниями до конечной точки маршрута / a map with a length of first, pre-iran part of our journey
19 членов экспедиции и их обязанности / there were 19 people in our expedition including our leader, translator, mystery georgian, dog keeper and driver on high heels (sorry, just kidding about everything)
пакуем рюкзак / "hello, its my last selfie before we go"
необходимое с комментариями / all that illustrator needs!
наблюдения за шапками / i am late as usual, everyone is waiting for me and masha, but she has all our passports... it was one of the most inportant moments, because we were choosing a car to sit in. that choice formed four companies that lasted through all the journey
едем через чертаново и знакомимся / we are driving through chertanovo, and anton is sitting in a very strange position. "please, don't mind, i finished oxford"
наша тачка. мы называли ее патибас / our car, which we called a party-bus! 
панорамы / listening to persian rap, driving through the village called a "new-persian-land"
заплутали / got lost
первая остановка: хутор пухляковский / the first stop is a small village pukhlyakovskii (don't mind!). i was asked to cook a dinner with everyone but i refused because i draw better than clean potatoes :)
утренний кофе и наблюдения / morning coffee from the leader of expedition
несмотря на то, что до финальной точки еще немало, культурологи начинают опрос местных жителей / we had some time before the departure to vladikavkaz, so we climbed a hill to see the "church of all religions" - a half-made dream of crazy architect 
все разнообразие пакетиков с сахаром на автозаправках / my mom's hobby is to collect sugar packets. they symbolize all the variety of gas stations
обнаружено в придорожном кафе / i found this holy place for truckers - coffee and icons
еще одно святое место / one more holy place - shawarma in Vladikavkaz
утром увидела горы, поплакала, купила мармеладок / morning in vladikavkaz - i can even see mountains over the roofs. feeling so happy because we are going to them!
культурологические шутки в горах / entering the mountains
перешли границу / crossed the russian-georgian border
карта наших вечерне-тбилисских перемещений / a map of our evening walk in tbilisi
старый город / old town center in Tbilisi
утренние зарисовки на базаре. килограм клубники на завтрак / morning sketches in the market. got some strawberries for breakfast
пробрались в университет тбилиси, познакомились с моим коллегой / went to university of tbilisi where i met my colleague 
квинтесенция / tea, coffee, shashlik
одна из последних возожностей выпить до ирана / warm evening in sygnakhi with wine, talks and radio "the voice of Kavkaz"
город любви / syghakhi is сalled the city of love
утренние перепалки / morning decisions 
патибас взорвал эту вечеринку / our party-bus burned this party down
у меня своя вечеринка / got cold in erevan and had to stay in hotel and try to sleep instead of partying
в километре от карабаха / a way from erevan to tebriz. we left our cars near the erevan hostel and changed to regular bus
мы почти у цели / - girls, it's time to turn into dementors. - said our guide and we covered our heads with scarves. 
this is iranian border.
и, наконец-то, первое иранское утро и первый иранский завтрак / finally, we entered iran. here is our first iranian breakfast. we stayed in tabriz, small city not far away from the border.

конец первой части / here is the end of the first part
part two:

my iran diary p.1


my iran diary p.1

couple of month ago i went to iran as illustrator of the expedition. we spent three weeks in this trip and i made nearly 70 sketches. here is the Leer más
