Rooibos Tea | Branding and Packaging | Self Brief
For this brief we had to create a name, logo and packaging designs for a Rooibos tea company that is to be available in the UK, SA and Europe.
This product was to be specifically sold online on Amazon. It came in original, vanilla, chai spices, lemon, honey and cinnamon. The packaging
was to hold 40 teabags. For this project, I decided I wanted to create a brand and packaging that was simple and minimal
in design and that really just focused on the tea and its different flavour options.

Colour Scheme:
Typeface Choices:
Label Design:
Packaging Designs:
Rooibos Tea Branding and Packaging

Rooibos Tea Branding and Packaging

For this brief we had to create a name, logo and packaging designs for a Rooibos tea company that is to be available in the UK, SA and Europe. Th Развернуть

