Meta Works profilKarina Eibatovas profil

Captured Dreams / Installation
Captured Dreams
20 pillows (45x45 cm each), 225 x 180 cm

There’s a ques­tion: why is it al­ways so dif­fi­cult to mem­o­rize the dreams that we have dur­ing the night? They usu­ally quickly es­cape out of our minds as if they were sneak­ing away and hid­ing the traces. If we could be­lieve that thoughts find ma­te­ri­al­ity then also our dreams might have the ma­te­r­ial shape as well. Then where do they ac­tu­ally dis­ap­pear? Might they be stored some­where? They can visit our minds sev­eral times per night, and of­ten they just slip by barely touch­ing our con­scious­ness for a short while. The work «Cap­tured Dreams» is an al­le­goric at­tempt to vi­su­al­ize the idea of the ex­is­tence of pil­lows that could cap­ture dreams and dis­play them. As though the la­tent im­age is re­vealed dur­ing the pho­to­graphic pro­ces­sion af­ter plac­ing it into de­vel­op­ing chem­i­cals..
Captured Dreams / Installation

Captured Dreams / Installation

20 pillows (45 x 45 cm each), 225 x 180 cm Why is it always so difficult to memorize the dreams that we have during the night? They usually qui Læs mere
