Irfan Dee's profile

Scenes from Little India

Scenes from Little India
Snapshots of Serangoon
Little India, Singapore, has always been a good area for those who wants to be imbibed into an Indian cultural feast of sorts. I've made several trips there myself, and truly it has never disappoint me where the richness of scenery is concerned. Ironically, it is this richness that makes me wonder what more can I discover in my next visit. Here are just some initial snapshots that I have taken 2 years ago, as the Deepavali season was getting nearer. I was thinking of visiting it nearer to the actual festival date, but the sixth sense in me just nudged me to go and feel the atmosphere a little earlier, just to be on the safe side, being a newbie and all.

I hope you would enjoy some of these early snapshots, as much as I have enjoyed taking them. There would definitely be more shots of Little India...that much I can promise you, in my future projects. But until then...enjoy!

Irfan Darian
Scenes from Little India

Scenes from Little India

Snapshots of Little India
