Dušan Munćan 的个人资料

U1NA1 / Arhitektura upotrebnog predmeta

Lampa pomoću štapa i kanapa
Stick and string lamp is solving everyday problem of classical lamp. People often use different types of lamp for their needs, which are not even convenient after all. There is not movable and effective item on a market that could be so multifunctional. It can light direct below as well as next to 50cm.
Stick and string lamp is literally made of sticks and string, that enable lamp to move on angle range of 20 to 180 degrees. There are five positions where lamp can be moved, so users use butterfly nuts to adjust it. User can move sticks up and down.

U1NA1 / Arhitektura upotrebnog predmeta

U1NA1 / Arhitektura upotrebnog predmeta

Stick and string LAMP
