Preston Liew 님의 프로필

[Building Technology] Work Compilation

Building Technology - Work Compilation
Throughout project one,  I have developed understanding in different types of IBS construction method and applied appropriate IBS construction method in the production of a model for an apartment building. Beside's that, my team and I demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process through model making and understanding in matters related to energy efficiency and ecological impact. We had foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and production of the video.
For project two, thanks for Mr Siva's tutoring to encourage analytical and critical study of the principles, practices and details of building technology in the my design. I was also encouraged to consider the construction aspects throughout the design process and adapted plus implement the alternative construction systems into the my design. 
[Building Technology] Work Compilation

[Building Technology] Work Compilation

In this module students will be exposed to a more extensive study of building construction by investigating the latest and more advanced technolo 자세히 보기


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