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Branding High Street 2012

The project ´High Street 2012´ is about branding the area between Aldgate East and Stratford. As for this project, it will cover the opposite side of Whitechapel Market, more specifically in front of the Royal London Hospital. Branding is about identity, what makes this area special.

What is already there and how could it be brought further. This project will look into how to make people see their local area in a different way, but also make through travellers recognize the area.
A Box or the shape of a sqaure is a contrast to the surroundings. The area consists of many different people, smells and movements. The intervention will stand out, but at the same time pursue elements that already exist.

London is about contrasts.
Everything is changing, nothing is what you see.

Front page.
Map showing where the intervention will be placed in East London.
Sketching the idea.
Sketching the idea.
Sketching the idea.
Quiet room in a noisy city. Quiet cube is a collection of three glass boxes, with a bench in each box. Its shapes, colours and materials have been based on contemporary architecture in the area. Buildings that have been added to the area in recent times and that has created something positive to the area, like the Idea Store and The Royal London Hospital. As the name indicates, it is a place you should be able to take it easy, escape from everyday life. A place where you can sit down and observe what is happening around you and see things in slightly different way (through the coloured glass). 
An additional effect is the sun that will play with the glass and reflect the colours of the other elements around the boxes. The boxes are placed asymmetrically to not follow the already straight line as the trees are placed in. Materials used are the same as in The Royal London Hospital and The Idea Store, to bring the already used materials into more human scale.

Sit down, relax.
Branding High Street 2012

Branding High Street 2012

The project ´High Street 2012´ is about rebranding the area between Aldgate East and Stratford.
