Gadget to help avoid food waste
The Forget-Me-Not is a cool green gadget helping you to avoid food waste. It reminds you to enjoy fresh food while it's still fresh. The 5-days-fresh execution is targeted to be used on bricks and bottles containing fresh juices and diary products, which usually need to be consumed within 5 days.
As it takes an immense amount of energy to produce and keep food fresh, wasting less food on a daily basis would mean huge energy saving. Energy consumption is directly related to harmful emissions of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, resulting in climate change. Avoid food waste, fight climate change.
The Forget-Me-Not is designed by Sabine Gevaert and Margot Vanderlick.
Selected for the catalogue EESC DESIGN zeronine AWARD; 2009 european design award for a sustainable present.


The Forget-Me-Not is a cool green gadget helping you to avoid food waste. It reminds you to enjoy fresh food while it's still fresh. The 5-days-f Read More
