I was trying the famous Thinking Particles tool called "Blurp", which allows the user, to transform the shape of an object into the shape of another. But I didn't like the way particle were being shown, so I decided to add high motion blur to make it a bit more insteresting. The distracting moving objects on the background were added so the scene wouldn't be empty.
Glow effect was added in After Effects.
When I started playing around with RayFire, 3dsmax fracturing plug-in, physics engine was the famous Havok. At that time, RayFire, was having the option to use NVidia PhysX, and I wanted to compare it to Havok, and how it could behave having lots of object in a scene...It didn't dissapoint me  (-:
Another test using PhysX with RayFire. Even if it's a simple simulation and rendering, I kept it because I liked how the bricks behaved.
Just a spontaneous video I made, a couple years ago, after having a nice cup of tea.
Motion GFX

Motion GFX

various motion graphics!


Creative Fields