Umair Aftab 的个人资料

Chaser Cop App UI

Chaser Cop UI
Contracted for Whizpoint 
UI for Phone and Android Application
 Get the App:
Chaser Cop is mobile application designed for your personal safety. It connects you with your trusted fellows in any emergency situation you face.
Suppose you feel footsteps following you in a place which is not familiar to you. You are alone, superstitious, and some danger is weighing on your shoulders with no one near for help. That is when you take out your phone and run the Chaser Cop Application.
Chaser Cop equips any layman with the arsenal he needs for survival. A map, call for help, SOS messages over the internet and cellular networks, and a camera to make sure the criminal gets caught by the police and never sees you again. It all comes with a simple, yet powerful touch of a button.

Chaser Cop App UI

Chaser Cop App UI

Iphone and Android App UI Design
