Sassy Cow Creamery 
Advertising Campaign
This is a campaign I created for an advertising class. Below are images of a quick look ad, print ads, outdoor ads and website design. The campaign also included a radio ad script and a press release. Overall, I wanted to emphasize the sassiness of the cows for the creamery, while still appealing to families who want healthy, wholesome milk.
This is a quicklook ad, which needed to get the brand across with an image and as few words as possible.

Full color, full page print ad. The texture resembles a barn texture, and the polaroids make it feel personal and family-oriented, while still showing off a sassy cow.
Full page ad. Same as above, but converted to black and white.
Full color, half page ad. Same idea as the full page ads, but redesigned to fit a half page space.
Half page ad. Same as above, but converted to black and white.

Outdoor billboard design.

Outdoor transit ad design.
Website home page design.
Website about page design.
Sassy Cow Campaign

Sassy Cow Campaign

Advertising campaign created for an advertising and public relations class.
