Profil von R David Foster

On Site Watercolour Painting 2004

Paintings 2004
These paintings were almost all done within two hours each, on site, from life.
After a fourth bounced paycheque, in June, 2004, I left my job and decided to paint for the next month.  These 25 paintings were done in about one month, working out to be about one a day.  
All these paintings were painted on site, in the open air, within two hours, with a few exceptions as noted.
About a third of these paintings were purchased by family. One was purchased by a co-worker, who commissioned six more paintings of his family cottage. One was purchased by a stranger.  At least three are hanging at the Oakville CMHA office, and the rest were given away, with one hanging in my home, and about three in a framing shop in north Oakville.
On Site Watercolour Painting 2004

On Site Watercolour Painting 2004

On Site watercolour paintings of Oakville, Mississauga and Burlington completed in August of 2004.
