Being asked to build and evolve a brand conceptually is a very interesting assignment. The products the company wanted to manufacture where Tile stickers. Stickers which would spice up your kitchen or bathroom without costing a fortune.
The style we agreed was appropriate for the target group was a black and white very bold, graphical illustration look. Each pack had a theme. Be it circus, water, floral or pattern mix. The core of the design of each pack evolves around balance within the elements. We have big elements, small elements, patterns big and small and most important something alive and an inspirational quote. Together these artworks create a Tile Junkie sticker pack.
The stickers are being sold throughout Denmark, and abroad, and can be bought separately on Tile Junkies webshop


Being asked to build and evolve a brand conceptually is a very interesting assignment. The products the company wanted to manufacture where Tile Read More
