Graphic design

My approach to communication design is highly practical; I use design to amplify a message, not obscure it. I start by identifying goals and a desired feeling with the client, then building a content outline, and then move into concept drawings. Because I began as a writer and editor, I can put the message (the function) first, and shape the design (the form) around it. I'm also an outstanding project manager, so I'm able to plan and pace all the work, from the kickoff meeting to the final delivery. It's demanding work, but the result is worth it and the process is very fun.
Project: Admissions viewbook redesign
Client: Manlius Pebble Hill School

The challenge: update a publication that tells a compelling story of the school and encourages parents to tour the school. The previous version was very heavy on text, educator jargon, and lacked a strong layout. It also had very few photos of happy and engaged students.

The result: a book with the same pagecount (24) but radically pared down copy and beautiful images. Because tuition for the school is higher than its competitors, creating an emotional response early was a priority for this project.
Sample: Syracuse University Parents Handbook advertisement
Client: Syracuse University Abroad

The challenge: create a simple, inviting message that encourages parents to support study abroad.

The result: a 2-page color ad showing a student in the "world classroom," immersed in a new culture and on the path to a successful future. (Photo by student Nina Richenberg.) Copy addresses traditional parents' concerns: faculty experience, cost, future benefits. (Red lines indicate page fold and gutters.)
Project: Banner ad
Client: Syracuse University Abroad
Graphic design

Graphic design

A mix of print and electronic design items for Syracuse University and private clients.
