Drawing II: Project X (Self-initiated)
I started the project realising a lot of my sketchbook work related to the digital screen because of it is such an everyday element. I decided to explore how the digital screens have morphed into our everyday lives and how much we use them and rely on them in our everyday activity. For my final project, I decided to replace my phone with a small sketchbook that would allow me to move out and explore the world rather than tied at home with our screens. I recorded where I went and what I used my phone for at that moment. I feel like this travelogue allowed me to remember the moments better combining the idea of the people I messaged at the time.
Played with the idea of screens being virtual and transparent overlaying over the 'reality'
The Digital Age

The Digital Age

Exploring how the digital screens have morphed into our everyday lives and how much we use them and rely on them in our everyday activity.
