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Intro to Digital Asset Creation - Summative activity

Advanced Digital Asset Creation Summative
Table of Contents
1. Pitch - May. 26th
2. Project Timeline - May. 27th
3. Production - June. 9th
4. Final Project - June. 16th 

1. Pitch
         For the summative I shall be creating concept art for a game, this will be including background designs, character designs, interface designs, etc. The main theme of the game will be horror/gore. The name of the game is Cursed, and will be played through first person perspective. The main objective of the game is to exit the building before you lose your sanity. [cut scene] A building has been put out for sale and you go to the house to tour it. You look around the entrance of the house calling out if anyone was home, but no one answers, as you slowly walk in, the door closes shut. [/cut scene] Throughout the floors of the game you will encounter monsters that you can run and hide from, as the game progresses you will be seeing more and more monsters, but they aren't actually real, you'll have to tell which one is fake and which monsters are real; to do this you'll have to run to a room which has a mirror, stare at the mirror and the fake monster will disappear. To prevent seeing fake monsters and wasting your time running to a room and staring a mirror, you'll have to find the medicine which will prevent your sanity from getting worse for a short amount of time.You can tell how much time you have until your sanity reaches the danger levels by a bar in the interface. There will also be a minimap which will only show the areas in which you walked through already. There will also be an inventory that will be accessible through the interface. Another item that can be found throughout the game will be notes which give hints and tasks to help escape the manor.
2. Project Timeline
1. Create art asset list - May 27
2. Create sketches - May 30
3. Create digital logo and background/enivronment, interface, protagonist, antagonist, items - June 6
4. Clean up designs - June 10
5. Add colour and finishing touches - June 13
6. Create multimedia package - June 16
3. Production
Art Asset List
 Scary Girl (Walking upside down on all fours with a mouth on it's stomach; full body turn around + head turn around)
 Messed Up Man (Mutilated face and body; full body turn around + head turn around)
 Creepy Ghost Girl (creepy face, circle eyes, smile from ear to ear, wearing all white; full body turn around + head turn around)
 Johnson (new business man wearing a suit; full body turn around + head turn around)
Second Floor Hallway
 "Curse" text
Opening Screen
Loading Screen
Sanity Bar
Curse Title - I was creating multiple title screens that just popped up in my head, such things like prayer hands, a cross, blood dripping, etc. but I ended up having a hands against a glass with the text “Curse” in the center, with the play button on the bottom.
Business Man (Johnson) – My main man, the person who you would play as. I wanted to make someone that wasn’t too young or too old.
Mutilated Monster/Experiment – I wanted to create a monster/experiment that showed that he/she was actually experimented on, keeping him skinny and having his face mutilated.
Creepy girl – The wife of the old house owner, committed suicide and now haunts the place. I wanted this character to be as creepy as she can, being a bit generic with the sleeping gown, but hey, her face is creepy.
Minimap – A simple minimap, you’d find this type of minimap in hundreds if not thousands of games. Shows you the areas where you’ve been already, while undiscovered areas remain dark. I needed something to help navigate the person playing.
Note – Diaries that were made from the previous house owner, could either contain clues or tasks. I needed a way to give tasks and clues on how to escape/finish the game.
Mirror – A simple mirror, looked up mirror on google, and they all looked the same, so I just created one with the bumpy frame, and this looping thing near the handle, curving inside for the handle, and making the top and bottom of the handle wider. I needed a way for the player to defend himself from the apparition.
4. Final Production
This is the logo/title of the game.
This is the screen in which you first see upon opening the game.
This is the menu, when pausing the game the menu will automatically pop up, letting you quit, change your options such as volume, brightness and language; you can also save whenever you want or simply resume.
This is the loading screen, you'll see this screen while the game loads itself up.
This is the minimap, your bestfriend throughout the game. It'll be placed at the top right corner where you should be looking at it from time to time. It only reveals areas in which you've been to already. On this section of the minimap all areas have been already searched/discovered.
This is the Sanity Bar. Your sanity is your mental state, if it drops to 50% or under you will begin to see an apparition. There will be pills which recovers 25% of your sanity. The apparition's appearance depends on your sanity, the lower it is, the more frequent the apparition appears. Once you reach 0% sanity you become insane and the apparition will be at every corner that you come by.
This is a note, there will be multiple notes that contain clues or tasks to complete the game. Find them, and hopefully you'll find your way out.
The main character of the game, the person you'll be playing as. You'll only be able to see his full body in cut scenes, the gameplay will be in first person, seeing only the arms at times.
This is an experiment/monster. A person that was held prisoner in the building by the previous owner, experimented on and abandoned. Hidden this whole time, until a new victim comes. He will be the first and real monster you'll encounter, you cannot get rid of him via the mirror (will be talked about more...). You must run or hide from him.
The wife of the previous owner, the scary lady. She manifests herself once you let your sanity drop below 50% (will be talked about more...). You must either look at a mirror (which you will find later on) to disperse the monster (upon looking at the mirror the monster will be there for a quick second but disperse right after) or you must find a sanity pill, which will bring your sanity back up by 25% (if your sanity goes back above 50%, the apparition will disappear).
This is the second real experiment/monster. She will be roaming the second floor of the floor once you unlock it via clues/tasks from notes. Same rules apply from the first monster apply to this one, run and hide. 
The mirror which you will find on the first floor master bedroom. This will be a valuable item if you cannot find any sanity pills. The logic behind the mirror and the apparition is that when you look at the mirror, you will see yourself with the apparition crumbling from behind you, this is because when you look at a mirror you will only see real items/objects, if an experiment is chasing you and you try using your mirror, it won't disappear. In a case where your sanity bar has been below 50% for a certain amount of time (5-10 minutes) and you've only been using the mirror, the mirror will shatter; the reason for this is because the apparitions will telekintically destroy it (it makes the game harder and the pills relevant). You WILL need the pills in order to survive.
This is a sanity pill. You WILL need this in order to survive the game. This is the only thing keeping you from going insane and have your mind clouded by the apparition as the experiments find and kill you.
Shelves may contain pills or notes.
This is how a hallway would look like inside the game.
Final Thoughts
Wow! What a year, and what a way to end this class. Very very very stressful, but well worth. During the summative, I've learned so much like time management or how things will never ever turn out how you originally want it. In this summative I wanted to create concept art for a game like Outlast or the Silent Hills P.T, but I was just so busy and still had trouble with time management; this lead to my change of style for the game. Although it wasn't as I first thought of it as, it grew on me and I began to like it. Not only did I just learn from the summative, but throughout the whole class, I found out what I liked and what I didn't in terms of making assets, I learned that creating assets wasn't just about drawing characters, but assets are like... the entirety of a game. There's so much that I was oblivious to, that I didn't know; I came to this class thinking that I would be able to just draw concept art for games, well I was somewhat right. This summative contains skills that I already had and new skills that I learned in the class and put them to use. If I had more time to focus on just the summative activity and not catching up on other activities, I'm pretty sure this would have turned out way better in my opinion. Not only in this summative, but in everything I do, I always find myself not being able to focus on one thing, there is always too much on my plate, and often, I become overwhelmed, tiring myself and regretting it. This summative is another lesson to me to not to take more than I can handle and to manage my time more properly. I've also been told that I focus too much on presentation/perfection and that it hinders me from getting more done. I know that I try to make everything as best as I can and that I end up spending more time than I should; and so, in this summative I didn't try and perfect things and left some stuff to give it that rough look. This was a very stressful and tiring journey, but now it's come a close and I enjoyed learning more, and hope to continue learning. This summative is probably the best that I can do as an asset creator in such a short amount of time while work on other projects. Although this journey had its negatives, I thoroughly enjoyed the class and summative. I hope you enjoyed looking over this Summative project as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Some spooky ambient to set the tone while you read the Summative. :)
Intro to Digital Asset Creation - Summative activity
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Intro to Digital Asset Creation - Summative activity

My Intro to Digital Asset Summative

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