The Haunting Silence Of A Broken Heart
It was October 31st of the year 2006, and I was tucked away in bed, cuddling my newly born kitten, when there was an abrupt knock at the door, which is strange because no one comes to our house on Halloween. It’s too far from the main road and there are too many stories about it. I was overwhelmed with excitement so I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, two at a time. In an instance, I was at the front door.
I yanked the door open as hard and as fast as I could. Not knowing the horrors that lay behind it. Never in my life have I witnessed such a gruesome, gory, and revolting sight. The pumpkins I spent hours carefully carving were replaced with my two beloved German Shepard’s heads. The killer had viciously destroyed my best friends. I immediately crashed to the floor not noticing that their bodies had been sliced and placed carefully like in a butcher’s slaughter house.
I was horrified. My two best friends had been murdered whilst I was upstairs cuddling the new ‘baby’ of the family which both my dogs had clearly wanted nothing to do with.
All of a sudden I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from inside, I Immediately ran up the stairs, two at a time, straight to my girlfriend’s room. The silence was haunting, so haunting that it sent chills down my spine. As soon as I opened the door the blood drained from my face. My beautiful girlfriend had been murdered. Not just murdered, slaughtered. The anger overwhelmed me and it was at that point that I decided I would do everything I could to find and destroy this perpetrator.
It was October 31st, 2011 and everything was perfect. I had his address and number but I still was yet to see his face. I had followed him to and from every place he went to but still hadn’t seen his face which was tremendously irritating as I wanted to imagine slicing it whilst watching the life drain from his eyes.
Any who, I became a bit obsessed with the way I was going to murder the mysterious man. I started having dreams about torturing him, yanking out each tooth with some sort of dental appliance, chopping off his fingers one by one, that sort of thing, but nothing seemed to be sufficient. I wanted him to howl with pain, squirm in the spike covered chair I had made just for him.
Another year went by and I still hadn’t seen his face. I attempted torturing him slowly with anonymous phone calls but when I called he did nothing but breathe heavily down the phone as if he was trying to scare me. Me! Scare me! How dare he. I was in control, not him and I would be sure to show him that soon enough. No one had any idea of the unearthly, perilous, tragedy I was going to unleash.
I’m going to set the scene now. It was October 31st of 2015 and I was lying on my bed reminiscing about the times I had with Amy, my girlfriend who had been savagely obliterated by an anonymous being, when I had an unexpected rush of fury course through my veins. I immediately jumped up and that’s when I made the decision. The decision that I was not only going to change his life, but mine too. I proceeded to get ready and leave, not forgetting my tools.
I was at the back of his house. I sat there for fifteen minutes trying to remember all the scenes I had drawn up in my head, but none of them seemed to come to me. Just then I had an unexpected feeling, a feeling of someone behind me. I turned around and much to my dismay he was standing over me, but he was not in fact a man he was a woman. A woman that I knew very well.
Lucy, my ex girlfriend who I had broken up with in 2004. I shattered her heart without realising and this was what she had decided to do to me. She wanted me to experience the same pain she had, having someone you love ripped away from you. I stood there with her towering over me and said “I loved you once but this crime of passion has made me hate you more than I have ever hated anyone”, to which she broke down. In no time I was covered in her blood. I do not remember killing her, I wish I did but I do not. So I am sorry Pc Newport, I cannot help you with your investigation. Am I free to go?
The Advocacy of Women's Rights

Radical feminism is taken ridiculously out of hand by women and men that are not educated well enough on the matter. Feminism is not women that want to be higher than men, it is women that want to be equal to men and wallow in the joy of being a woman, but the way that some feminists are showing that is embarrassing.
For example, not long ago two topless women stormed a Muslim conference stage during a ‘wife beating’ conference in France. The two women ran on stage, grabbed a microphone and chanted various things. Both activists had messaged emblazoned on their bodies in marker. One of the messages translated to “Nobody makes me submit” which is a reference to the Islamic idea of ‘submission’. Although they were receiving death threats and getting called whores, the message they were trying to portray was not the problem, it was the way they attempted to send it.
Modern feminism is becoming an embarrassment and there’s a lot of misunderstanding when it comes down to it, for example some feminists go completely overboard with their beliefs, stating that all females should not shave their body entirely as it is to please men. In my opinion, women do not shave to please men, they shave to feel good about themselves and many feminists are disregarding that and are taking it away, destroying it with their beliefs.
This is NOT feminism. Feminism is standing up for equal rights, for example the ‘Free The Nipple’ campaign was a campaign where protesters took to sixty city streets around the world to stand up for equality. 'Our goal is for equal gender topless rights to be enforced worldwide, freeing women's nipples,' said Rachel Jessee, an actress and model who leads the ‘GoTopless’ group in New York City. That campaign proved that feminism is a real thing and that women are serious about changing the views that people have had for so many years.
Breastfeeding is also another taboo but has not yet been taken out of hand. Many people are disgusted by the sight of a woman breastfeeding as they feel it is distracting and demoralising. They do not realise that the mother sat there is giving life to their child. Babies only have one way of telling their mother or father that they are hungry, and that is by crying. I am pretty sure that people would rather have a woman breastfeed their child than listen to the deafening wails of a starving child, am I right? There are posters and apps that have made many people aware of this ridiculous negativity and many new websites and campaigns are due to start in the New Year.
Recently there has been a disturbing new trend on the rise, which involves extreme feminists choosing not to wear feminine products during their menstruation, allowing their blood to run ‘freely’ out of her body, staining her clothes and ending up wherever it may. There are two main points as to why extreme feminists are doing this.
The first one being that tampons, pads and other feminine hygiene products are man made inventions, intended to inadvertently rape a woman during her period, thus furthering her victim status as a woman living in a world by men. The second one being, that a woman’s time of the month is not something unnatural, or something that is needed to be hidden. Using feminine products isn’t how “nature intended” us to deal with our menstrual discharge. This campaign has taken part in Central London many times and is starting to distress people around the city. Young children to not understand the menstrual cycle yet and are becoming scared and worried. This is not how one should campaign, it is simply disgusting and unattractive to anyone normal.
There are many existing types of feminism;
Black Feminism: Females that believe their struggles in life are harder because they are of colour.
Liberal Feminism: Females that want equality throughout race, sex and state.
First Wave Feminism: During the 19th and beginning of the 20th century females focused on legal issues, primarily on gaining women’s suffrage (right to vote).
New Age Feminism: A woman who fights against the discrimination women face in the workplace and other facets of society.
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation." Brigham Young
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings." Cheris Kramarae
I strongly believe that in order to achieve equality for females all over the world, feminism needs to change, and by change I mean no more ridiculous theories or ideas. You cannot fight fire with fire. In order to change people’s views, we as a race need to approach the matters calmly and less aggressively.
Explore how Steinbeck presents ideas of good and bad in people

In the novel Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses very particular language to depict the good and bad in the characters. The story entails two men that have escaped a ranch nearby searching, then attending the nearest ranch for work. The main two characters are George and Lennie. Their relationship with each other is most unusual and the ending really shows this. Lennie has an unknown disability and extreme strength and George is almost seen as his carer. George speaks for Lennie and orders him to avoid making friends with people as he is scared of what will happen. George also carries important things that Lennie owns as he would lose them if he wasn’t carrying them, "George… I ain’t got mine. I musta lost it." He looked down at the ground in despair. "You never had none, you crazy bastard. I got both of ‘em here. Think I’d let you carry your own work card?" This quote really proves how much Lennie has to look after George.
I believe Slim is spoken about in a positive way, thus portraying a good character. He is the most respected character in the book, everyone, even Curley respects him and follows his orders. He gives the story some individuality as he is made out to be the hero, although he isn’t the protagonist. He speaks to everyone, even Crooks and no one speaks to Crooks in a positive way.
Slim is a genuine nice person and cares about everyone. He is seen as a leader and everyone appreciates and respects him "Slim's a jerkline skinner. Hell of a nice fella."  He has a quiet dignity, speaks quietly with gravity, and has no need to assert himself to have authority. He speaks to George in a kind manner and doesn't treat him any different to the other men. "You guys travel around together?" "His tone was friendly. It invited confidence without demanding it."
When Slim first appears in the novel the description of him is positive and he is portrayed as a gentle and kind man. “This was Slim, the jerkline skinner. His hatchet face was ageless. He might have been thirty-five or fifty. His ear heard more than was said to him, and his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought. His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer. He smoothed out his crushed hat, creased it in the middle and put it on. He looked kindly at the two in the bunkhouse. "It's brighter'n a bitch outside," he said gently. "Can't hardly see nothing in here. You the new guys?" 
Steinbeck also uses the words ‘prince of the ranch’ to describe him which means he has a very high ranking compared to the others, and is respected by if not most people, everyone. When Slim is introduced to George he immediately knows that even though he is a big guy he is not mean. He understands more than the other ranch workers. "He ain't mean," said Slim. "I can tell a mean guy from a mile off." He understands the relationship between George and Lennie and comforts and reassures George that he makes the right choice at the end of the book. Overall, the quiet and kind portrayal of his character leads me to believe that he is trustworthy. 
I believe that Curley’s wife is portrayed as bad in the book. Her introduction to the novel through rumours delivered by Candy and from his perspective, leads the reader to have an already biased opinion. He mentions that she ‘got the eye’ which suggests that even though she is married to Curley, she is flirtatious and immoral. Throughout the novel she is nameless, she is only known as Curley’s wife but is constantly mentioned around the ranch. This means she is Curley’s posesssion and nothing more. By presenting us with only one female in the novel, Steinbeck is informing us that there is no place for women there in the 1930s and her role in society was made very clear. She struts around the ranch gainining many different reactions, from “married tart” to “she’s purty”.
Her appearance in chapter 2 immediately and literally casts a shadow ‘Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off’. This suggests a negative change in the energy of the room brought about by her appearance. Her provocative stance in the doorway and the clothes she is wearing upon entering the room portrays exactly what Candy describes her to be "red cotton house dress" and a pair of mules decorated with "bouquets of red ostrich feathers" emphasising her sexual presence as the colour red, which is often referred to as the colour of love and passion. This choice of clothing expresses her desperate need for attention from the men on the ranch, despite the fact that she is married.
Her behaviour can also be understood as threatening when she later enters Crooks’s room as he and Candy refused to meet her eye to eye as they “scowled down away from her eyes”. When Crooks sticks up for himself she threatened “I could get you strung up so easy”, causing Crooks to back down and become weak and submissive. Her negative need for attention later becomes apparent when she opens up to Lennie about her desire to escape and the drive to fulfil her dream of being an actress and in the limelight.
Even though her true character is expressed upon her death where her face is described as being “sweet and young” and “the ache for attention was all gone from her face” her need for attention portrays a self-centred and egotistical character.
In the novel the Steinbeck uses various linguistic techniques such as imagery, which is a form of descriptive language which is used to appeal to various senses, “On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky Gabilan Mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees— willows fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf junctures the debris of the winter’s flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool”. Steinbeck also uses characterization which is a description of a person or people that describes characteristics and features, “Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, and wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws”.
Along with the previous linguistic techniques, Steinbeck also uses suspense, an example of this is after Lennie killed Curley’s wife, the audience is very tense as a number of things may have happen to Lennie, "And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck." Finally, Steinbeck uses mood, which is the atmosphere of literary work that intends to evoke specific emotions from an audience. An example of this is when the men in the bunkhouse were silent and waiting to hear a gunshot from Carlson’s gun to Candy’s dog’s head. The mood was very uncomfortable and the audience felt a part of Candy’s pain.
At the end of the novel, we see George fight for Lennie one last time. He quarrels with himself internally about whether he should or shouldn’t shoot Lennie. His demeanour has changed profusely in comparison to the first chapter. He now speaks quietly his voice wooden as he speaks to Lennie. The pair both have so much trust for each other, for example when Lennie states “you ain’t gonna’ leave me George”, this is more of a statement than a question. Lennie knows and trusts that George won’t leave him. As George’s last love showing act towards Lennie. He retells him the American dream about the ranch, making Lennie extremely happy before he shoots him.
Overall, I believe that the novel carefully depicts each character carefully. I think my view on the novel might be different to many other people’s views because as a feminist, the way Curley’s wife is treated around the ranch is horrible but I also believe that the way she portrays herself is unattractive and unladylike. 
English Work

English Work

