Chloe Pickering's profile

University Project: Sugar Tax Minimalistic Packaging

P L A Y & S T R U C T U R E
The Brief
Design an intervention. We needed to design an intervention that,
in our view, could make a positive change to a problem/issue we
have identified.

The Solution
In collaboration with Harriet Pugh; the brief asked us to design an
intervention that in our view could make a positive change to an issue
we identified. The project explored the topic of the current news story,
the Sugar Tax, and the concept was to decrease the amount of sugary
products consumers bought. Thorough research showed us that the
public are willing to pay extra for these products and the power that
branding has on the consumer. 
Therefore, the intention was to minimalise and withdraw all branding
from the packaging so the consumer would not be influenced to buy a
product from what it looked like. We tested our intervention in a shop
environment and questioned people, ‘Would this make you think twice
about buying sugary products?’ and over half of the responses were
positive that people would not be persuaded to purchase these products.’
University Project: Sugar Tax Minimalistic Packaging

Project Made For

University Project: Sugar Tax Minimalistic Packaging

Design an intervention to make a positive change to a problem/issue identified within food.
