Viarde Studio sin profil

Bellini Media Unit 2

Project info:
Visualization of media units for the Bellini factory
What were the client's goals:
The main requirement of the client was to showcase the product as well as its content, to demonstrate to the consumer, the mechanisms used in their furniture.
The interior has to correspond with a young family.
How did we achieve them:
For this project, the studio has developed both the interiors and design options for the items themselves. From the client's side, there were only color suggestions, as well as the functionality details that had to be taken into account.
For the interior and media units design we took the best examples of modern design that would fit the needs of the client's target audience. After that our team of Modeling Artists, has started the recreation of drawings and sketches.
For each product, we tried to create a new, non-repeating atmosphere. This should allow to draw the attention of different population groups to a particular model.
What is the result of our work:
In total we have developed three media units and more than 10 static images in three different interiors.
Bellini Media Unit 2

Bellini Media Unit 2

Visualization of media units for the Bellini factory.
