Profil von Margo Garrigues

Genetic Modification Baby Zine

For our final Typography II assignment, we were partnered up to create a zine based on a debate by Intellegence Squared. The one me and my partner fought for was the question of "Should the Genetic Modification of Babies Be Allowed?" It was a really interesting debate and both sides made strong arguements for and against the motion. With this partner project (the first one we've gotten to do), each of us had to create a voice for our side of the argument, whether for or against the motion, and portray that dialog visually with type. One the back of our debate zine was to be an Op Ed illustration summing up the theme of the debate. This was a great experience and a phenomenal way to end the semester. Working with my partner was pretty fair weather and in the end, we created something that I'm proud to attach my name to. So without further ado, meet our baby!
A huge shout out to my partner who made this process super fun and an absolute pleasure. May we never stop making baby monster jokes 
(Sorry this looks totally like a memorial below!)
Genetic Modification Baby Zine

Genetic Modification Baby Zine

A 24-page fold out zine on the debate of whether we should allow the genetic modification of baby DNA or not.
