Glacies rug

year: 2013
Industrial design
design: Ruder Novak-Mikulic & Marija Ruzic / Regular Company
client: Artisan


In 2012 Artisan comissioned Ruder Novak-Mikulic and Marija Ruzic to design and develop a series of hand tufted rugs for the brand, as the initial objects of their home accessories collection.
The collection debuted in Cologne at the IMM fair, in January 2013.
The inspiration for Glacies comes from fragments; broken glass, cracking ice, cristal structures... Sharp polygonal shapes that contrast the softness of the natural material the rug is made of.
Glacies is the latin word for ice.

All the rugs in the collection were made of 100% new wool, with a combination of hand tufting and hand trimming.
The use of those techniques allows the use of relief as part of the design, which makes it evolve from a two dimenstional surface into a three dimensional object.
Photography: Domagoj Kunic
Original layout
Glacies rug