Genius or W*nker
Choose a celebrity from a predetermined list and take a stance, are they a Genius or a W*nker?
This project was all about personal opinion, choose a celebrity or group from a given list and pick a side, do you celebrate their achievements? Or attack them?

After contemplating a few people I decided to go with Cameron & Clegg, the duo currently running the country, the designs I came up with are inspired by political ad campaigns and aim to bring to light some of the lies and petty insults made by both politicians. The imagery and the typography is based around the idea that both their image, and their words are hollow and meaningless, and that they are mere puppets to their political parties.
Sketchbook Drawings
Sketchbook Drawings
Sketchbook Drawings
Hollow faces, produced with a ruling pen, paint brush and ink. The colours used are those used by each figure's political party
Hollow text, inferring that their words are hollow and meaningless, produced with paint brush and ink
Final Outcomes 
Genius or W*nker

Genius or W*nker

Ad campaign for a project titled Genius or W*nker. 1st project of year 2 BA(Hons) Graphic Design at Nottingham Trent University
