Class: N/A
Client: My Portfolio
Role: Spare time between classes, but definately not in class.... I promise.
Year: 2011-13
Artwork: Stephen Atkinson
Below is a small collection of work I did during my free time of the 2012 Winter Semester - yes only 3 pieces, I had no free time.
Homeless Mike
I was browsing through photoshop tutorials to keep my skills in check, and I came across a "Painting with Photoshop Tutorial." It look interesting, but I had to find a subject. I quickly scoured the internet, and found Homeless Mike. Google it, I dare you, his picture is everywhere online. My idea was to show the beauty in something not usually perceived to be so.  I wanted to transform Homeless Mike - something not necessarily referred to as beautiful, albiet this photo is awesome, into a beautiful painting. I believe it turned out very unique (for a photoshop tutorial); however, it ended up resembling one of my professors at that time, and my peers were not afraid to point that out and joke.  I became the creepy guy who painted pictures of his professor. Whatever, it's just a painting of a random homeless guy, blown up to 5' x 7' hanging above my bed, not creepy whatsoever.
Photoshop Painting - Homeless Mike
**I don't know who's original photo it is, but it was found on google images, and was used for personal use. Credit to whoever took the picture originally.**
Well after the whole professor look-alike fiasco above, I had to quickly create a new wallpaper for my computer so that the teasing would end.  I have immense appreciation for vintage ads, Coca-Cola, and pin up girls, actually all girls, and decided to combine the 3 into 1.  This project was done completely on the fly, and I was just messing around in Photoshop and Illustrator.  I used a variety of techniques to achieve the almost hand-drawn look of the pin-up girl (originally an HD photo of a pin-up model). Then I blew up the Coca-Cola wordmark, grundged it up a little, and voila! I love how it turned out, and would like to create more vintage inspired ads.
Vintage Inspired Coke Ad - Photoshop/ Illustrator - used as my personal computer wallpaper
This ad actually came before the Coke ad above, and was my first attempt at a vintage inspired ad.  Not my favorite piece, which is why its at the end. I upload it to show the growth in technique, and design between the two.
Prairie Sisters Ad - Simple Class Assignment - Photoshop/ Illustrator
Yes I'm that guy, the guy who created his own logo for his fantasy football league, don't judge me.  The league is named after the hilarious duo from Step Brothers.
Fantasy Football League Logo - Photoshop/ Illustrator
Nicole - The Incredible Hulk
This was thrown together quickly for a friend who wanted to make a gift for a co-worker who tends to get angry, and you wouldn't like her when she's angry. I get a good laugh out of it, so it's in the portfolio.
Incredible Nicole - Photoshop
2011-13: Artwork

2011-13: Artwork

Random work done in 2011-12
