A project that my friend Stanislav Drča and I were working on with some more friends Dia Andrea, Dunja, Miljana.
We made for them this "fabulous" Louis Vuitton trash can and then decided we can have some fun, make a video of our own.
Strangely enough, this is our most famous work, people were posting it on Facebook and Instagram but no one knew who did it. Time to copyright it.
Just for clarification, I have nothing specifically against Louis Vuitton, but it is a good recognizable brand, that we used as a symbol to send our message...
... please don't sue me.
Oh and we did not take the trash out of the bin, our studio stank like a pig stall for days...
Yeah, I'm not translating this... but I think you got the idea, let the trash can speak for itself!
The lovely redhead bathing in trash is Dia Andrea.
You can stalk her here:
Working with "appropriate" tools as always...

Chinese takeout for fuel.
Stanislav the Jew
Check out his amazing work: Personal website
Hope you enjoyed it, we certainly did!
Thanks for watching!


A project that my friend Stanislav Drča and I were working on with some colleagues from the department of photography. We made for them this "fa Rozwiń
