Collaborative Group Project / Spring 2012
After being placed into assigned groups of 5, we were to draw a theme by random for our magazine. We drew "travel/leisure." We were then to come up with our target audience, our magazine name, and everything we want to encompass in our magazine. We each were assigned to do 2 ads, a minimum of 4 feature spreads, and a department spread. We divided up the work for the table of contents, title page, cover page, subscription page, and preview of the next issue page as well.

Our Concept:
When it comes to travel, destiNATION is your go-to source for the quick weekend getaway. We hope to inspire the adventurous, ignite the spontaneous and to galvanize your inner-self. Travel is an opportunity to grow and to learn more about yourself, and we understand you don’t have time for week-long retreats. With only 2-3 days for adventure, destiNATION will show you the hidden gems and the out-of-the-ordinary places to go that normally would have been overlooked. So get through your week and go galavanting in a new destiNATION.

Target Demographic:
Our ideal readers are males and females age 25-35, with a spontaneous, adventurous,
and free-spirited personality that feel trapped in their 9-5 day job and live for the weekends.
DestiNATION Magazine
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DestiNATION Magazine

When it comes to travel, destiNATION is your go-to source for the quick weekend getaway. We hope to inspire the adventurous, ignite the spontaneo Lire la suite

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