Percy Station,2016 
Ottawa, Canada

Atelier Ruderal + Jackpine
In 2016, the City of Ottawa announced an open call for  “Streetside Spots”. Among other selected proposals, Percy Station was built to bring cultural programs and micro-businesses back to its site - a local cafe and music venue destroyed in a fire Winter 2015.

The construction was sponsored by the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Chinatown BIA. The residents in the surrounding areas also donated plants, fixtures, and cash to keep Percy Station running for the duration of the “Streetside Spots” program - June to October 2016.

The program includes a kiosk run by local businesses on a rotational basis, a social area surrounded by edible plants, and a bike repair tool-stand maintained by volunteers. 

The structure was later relocated to a shared garden by Ottawa Community Housing (OCH), a local not-for-profit organization, and now maintained by tenants at Strathcona Heights, a mixed-income community of OCH.
Percy Station

Percy Station

Percy Station



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