Golden Compass Tribute
This is a tribute to the possible remake of Philip Pullman's Golden Compass. BBC One announced last year that it would be making a new TV series that center's Lyra Belacqua and her adventures “in a parallel universe where people’s souls exist outside their bodies in the form of animal companions (known as daemons)" -BBC One.
This image is my attempt in getting better with photo manipulation. Here's how I did it...
This photo was shot at Utah's Pine Valley, United States of America.
If you're wondering how to change colors of your landscape. Try using an adjustment layer called, Channel Mixer. Channel Mixer is what I used to turn all the grass from green to yellow.
If you don't recognize it already, that zeppelin is from the movie, "The Golden Compass." It was the same zeppelin that Lyra rode to the city with Mrs. Coulter - for those who have read the books His Dark Materials, you know the importance of Mrs. Coulter. 
The zeppelin in the background is blurred to show movement in the distance. 
The final piece with added lantern. 
Dust at Pine Valley

Dust at Pine Valley

This project is a photo manipulation attempt to create art.
