Steve Price 님의 프로필

Talbots Group. A passionate rebrand

This specialist jewellery packaging company, based where else but in Birmingham's famed Jewellery Quarter, started life almost 100 years ago as a packaging wholesaler serving the many jewellery businesses in the area.
Fast-forward to today and Talbots is now a global packaging partner to many of the most famous names in the jewellery industry. With manufacturing resources both here in the UK and at various locations in the Far East, the company works with an impressive portfolio of international brands. But still, they have stayed true to their roots with the wholesale off-the-shelf side to the business serving new generations of independent jewellers.
Talbots' CEO, and the latest head of this family business, Julie Fowler-Drake, approached us with a brief to rebrand the company, having taken the reins following a career stint in the fashion industry. Spending time with Julie and the other key people within the business, Talbots’ reason for being came soon apparent — to be the best jewellery packaging provider in the world.
We also uncovered a desire to clearly differentiate the two sides of Talbots’ business. The bespoke service and the wholesale one. The company's heritage was important, without doubt, but the desired outcome was clear — to present an established, modern, global business.
After taking the company through a series of brand workshops, a clear pathway presented itself. The defining thought was to establish the process of creating this packaging as an artisanal one – akin to the creation of the jewellery pieces themselves. After all, the act of receiving precious items such as jewellery can be massively enhanced by the right container and inversely degraded if this facet is anything less than what might be expected.
The end result was this script-based brand identity which took its influences from traditional engraving styles. We also decided to proudly display the year of the company’s inception to reinforce the important longevity of the business. Finally, the positioning statement gave the whole process an emotive and relevant reasoning. Talbots. Passionate Packagers.
Like two sides of the same coin, the separate facets of Talbots’ business are represented by sub-brand identities. Talbots Tailor-Made (bespoke) and Talbots Ready-Made (off-the-shelf).
If you’re ever in the Jewellery Quarter area, you’re bound to see the odd Talbots delivery van whizzing around and, with the company continuing to go from strength to strength, we’re pleased to have played a part in this local success story.
It's also resulted in some beautiful print work. A gorgeous capabilities brochure-cum-catalogue and THE most opulent business cards we've ever had the privilege of making. Precious things indeed and sure to make a positive first impression.
The New Talbots brand identity.
The two sides of Talbots' business. Ready Made and Tailor Made.
The Talbots workforce. Hard at it. Back in the day.
Talbots Group. A passionate rebrand

Talbots Group. A passionate rebrand

This specialist jewellery packaging company, based where else but in Birmingham's famed Jewellery Quarter, started life almost 100 years ago as a 자세히 보기
