Hey there, I'm Dani Diez.
I've been working as an art director in video games for a few years and I'm currently creating concept art for the animation film industry. 

This is my first attempt for what I really want to end up doing; I'd like to share my personal ideas with you.
This is why I'm collecting daily drawings from my sketchbooks and projects into a beautifully printed book I've called "The Draftsman's Close".

I'm running a crowdfunding campaign right row! The books are available and free shipped worldwide, help me fund "Draftsman's Close" getting yours and you'll be helping me to reach my dreams.


Thanks in advance!

Best of lucks, Dani.

The campaign was succesfully founded! Thanks a lot for the support!

Did you miss the campaign and want to order a book? Dont worry. HERE'S the online shop! Order it now!
UPDATE: This is the final design for the whole book :)
Draftman's Close is a 128 pages artbook full of sketches and doodles. You can order it here.

Thanks for watching!
Draftsman's Close

Draftsman's Close

Help me fund my art sketchbook full of my drawings, sketches, and doodles!
