Candy Inventions
Candy Jewelry line, Nibble Notes, and Up Pop
I have sold in several candy line concepts to large Toy/Candy Companies.
Candy Jewelry Line: I created a candy jewelry line that I sold to Cap Candy, Hasbro. Candy jewelry is a staple in the market with Ring Pops and candy necklaces. I saw an opportunity to create candy jewelry that you eat and keep. Other candy jewelry containers are thrown away once the candy is consumed. My candy jewelry is refillable and attractive with or without the candy.
Nibble Notes: edible paper candy that you write on with food color pen and pass notes to your friend. Then they can eat it so no one else can read it! I sold this line to Wham-O and then to Cap Candy, Hasbro. I was inspired by the Japanese rice paper candy and found a manufacturer for this in Japan. In the end, Cap Candy went with a starch based paper from Holland. Nibble Notes was Cap Candy's top non promoted candy line and number five overall selling candy for four years.
Up Pop: This lollipop concept was a part of my healthy candy line concept which had benefits for kids such as ingredients like Calcium and vegetables. All the concepts had unique dispensing mechanisms. Up Pop allowed one handed use to reveal the lollipop and protect it. I was not able to sell in the line, but I still think it has some fun thinking and potential.
I created a mock brand look for the Power Candy line to supplement pitching the concept.
Candy Inventions

Candy Inventions

Candy invention lines I sold to several toy companies
