Cre­ation Date: 2015 / Mar­ble, JPG File, Wikipedia Ar­ti­cle, Sin­gle-Chan­nel Video / Di­men­sions: 95 x 70 cm

The work URL Stones aims to study the var­i­ous prop­er­ties and longevity of me­dia car­ri­ers that we as­sign the func­tion of stor­ing, trans­mit­ting and pre­serv­ing knowl­edge, data and in­for­ma­tion. The in­ves­ti­ga­tion will jux­ta­pose the same in­for­ma­tion be­ing held/​trans­mit­ted by two medi­ums, which have fun­da­men­tally dif­fer­ent prop­er­ties. The medi­ums in­clude: firstly a text carved into stone in an ar­chaic way, in ac­cor­dance to how knowl­edge used to be pre­served by an­cient civil­i­sa­tions and sec­ondly an en­cy­clopaedic ar­ti­cle posted on Wikipedia, per­haps now the most com­mon and pro­gres­sive method of doc­u­ment­ing and gain­ing knowl­edge to date. 
The text carved onto a mar­ble plaque in­cludes a url ad­dress, that refers to an im­age of this par­tic­u­lar mar­ble plaque which is lo­cated within the Wikipedia me­dia stor­age (Wiki­me­dia Com­mons), fol­lowed by the Wikipedia ar­ti­cle. The ar­ti­cle con­tains de­tailed in­for­ma­tion about the pur­pose & cre­ation of the mar­ble plaque as well as its cur­rent lo­ca­tion and con­di­tion, avail­able for up­dat­ing by the cur­rent holder of the plaque or any other Wiki user, in ac­cor­dance with the de­mo­c­ra­tic idea un­der­ly­ing the ide­o­log­i­cal prin­ci­ples of the site. The pro­ject is not com­plete un­til one of two me­dia car­ri­ers is even­tu­ally lost, thus re­veal­ing it’s less durable qual­i­ties in site of the other. Which one will be lost first? Only time will tell...
URL Stone

URL Stone

The work URL Stones aims to study the var­i­ous prop­er­ties and longevity of me­dia car­ri­ers that we as­sign the func­tion of stor­ing, trans­ 자세히 보기


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