Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
CSR Report
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.
Starting point
To involve their employees in their own sustainable policy, the ministry publishes every year a transparent report for internal use on how they are achieving their sustainable goals. The publication is shared on the intranet as a PDF and is read on tablets and laptops. Photography, infographics and icons has to be in accordance with the corporate identity of the Dutch government.
My goals
The report had to be easy to read. A variety of human stories and clear dashboards with results had to be divided recognizable into the sustainability themes People, Planet, Profit.
The landscape size fits an iPad.
Easily read

Easily read

Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment – CSR Report
