web—clinic identity


Story about communication.

The centre of remote diagnostics and monitoring of Web—clinic provides services in the field of a telemedicine and if to be more precisely, then in the sphere of remote diagnostics. The company delivers the equipment and the software for clinics, as well as remotely conducts diagnostic researches and issues the conclusions on them.
Web—clinic is a link between clinic and the diagnostic centre, the patient and the doctor, the equipment and medical institution.
This communication goes on numerous wires and chips, connecting patients and doctors by means of computer technologies and the Internet. Besides, the range of activities of the company is rather extensive: the removed EEG, an electrocardiogram, a monitoring by Holter, radiology, ophthalmology, therefore the solution uniting all this in a whole was required. That is communications, wires, paths of chips, connections, telecommunication for every day.

We have tried to convey these communication and dynamism in new flexible identity of the company.


Design / animations

Project manager
web—clinic identity


web—clinic identity

Центр дистанционной диагностики и мониторирования Web—clinic — предоставляет услуги в области телемедицины, а если быть точнее, то в сфере дистан 閱讀更多
