The house, the party took place at, was the basic element for the logo development.
Partyflyer to invite the guests.
Due to the fact, that the party was promoted on facebook only, I wanted the invitees to click "join" or "decline" at the earliest possible, so that we could calculate and plan better. One of the biggest cigarette companies released parallel its "don't be a maybe"-campaing. Posters were hung up everywhere in the cities. So I decided to use its popularity and adapt it into our own context.
Also many different incoherent topics where used, to adress undecided invitees. 
 The welcome sign, handmade with Aceton print.
 In every information sign at the party, we used the logo in order to make it "official".
Thank you for showing up.


In the course of moving to Frankfurt, my flatmate and I, decided to throw a party with 140 invitees. I used that opportunity as a design and prom Read More
