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The BOSS DD-7 for Enmore Audio.

Read the full article here on Enmore Audio.
"In the guitar world, BOSS pedals are like childhood friends. Chances are the first pedal you bought as a budding guitarist was something along the lines of a DS-1 – fun, simple and like you, actually pretty atrocious. As you progressed into your guitar adolescence, you stared exploring the weirder, more experimental corners of their catalogue – those digital reverbs and pitch shifters. And now as a full-blown adult, you’ve whittled it down to a select few BOSS pedals that have weathered the years, through fights and frustration, jealousy and glory – the good times and the bad. Chances are one of those pedals is the BOSS DD-7."
The BOSS DD-7 for Enmore Audio.

The BOSS DD-7 for Enmore Audio.

Some shots of the BOSS DD-7 digital delay taken for Enmore Audio.
