It's Division Day! Working with the lovely people at SPOV, MASSIVE and UBISOFT I directed the 2 minute opening cinematic in NYC and London. 
A super strain of the smallpox virus has invaded the streets of New York and wiped out masses of the population. Tom Clancy's The Division videogame is set after the virus has taken hold, and as an activated agent of "The Division", the player must take back the streets using any means necessary.
Division Credits:
Client Massive / Ubisoft Director Chris Boyle
Agency: SPOV
Director: Chris Boyle
Visual Effects: Julio Dean, Adam Roche, Kieran Gee-Finch, Mantas Grigaitis, Haz Dulull, Chris Boyle.
Production Helen Power, Emma Middlemiss
Cinematography: Nick Wood / Bram van Woudenberg
The Division

The Division

Opening cinematic for Ubisofts 'THE DIVISION'.


Creative Fields