RockBee Monsters Typeface was created in 2007, when I needed some funny typeface for the QuickPic Project (t-shirts design and production). Hey, I know about Comic Sans MS, but hey, it is not funny any more :-). I needed this typeface to decorate short headlines and prices, so, in a little while, this typeface came out. Letters were drawn, scanned, traced, retouched and assembled into font-file in a short period of time, say, approximately one week or even less. This is why it is called ‘Monsters’ - characters are almost insane. But they can identify my project for sure, and it makes sense to me. I tuned this typeface after a while, and liked it. Sadly, it is not suitable to any ‘serious’ project, but it was awesome solution to the task I have had.
Monsters Typeface

Monsters Typeface

Pictures (samples) of RockBee Monsters Typeface (custom typeface for the QuickPick project)
