Ditto, ditto!

“Ditto”, said Tweedledum.
“Ditto, ditto!” cried Tweedledee.  
                                                                            – Through the Looking-Glass,
Lewis Carrol, 1871
Invention as a mith, the recovery of forms from the past and from the present as the only tool to communicate a world made of complex information. The use of appropriation and juxtaposition of various aesthetics will become in the Seventies and Eighties suddenly unavoidable. The book examines into these tecniques during the postmodern era. 
Ditto, ditto!
Appropriation, quote and reuse in postmodern graphic design.

160 pages
text and book design by Cecilia Negri,
Viviana Scutari and Alessandra Smiderle

MA in Communication and Design for Publishing
ISIA Urbino, 2016
Ditto, ditto!

Ditto, ditto!

Invention as a mith, the recovery of forms from the past and from the present as the only tool to communicate a world made of complex information 자세히 보기
