Susanne Kreuz's profile

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How can I motivate potential customers having a closer look at my services?
The sketch on the title should be an eyecatcher!
This sketch is about conducting user research - I was inspired by the motive of a person lying on the red couch of a psychologist and telling her story.
The next sketch shows a big mess in someones home! I used the scene that could be anyone's home to illustrate abstract information architecture services such as conscice naming, obvious classifying, and clear structuring of content on a website or screen. 
This sketch is about iterative prototyping which is required to prove your ideas and concepts! I used graphic elements and added arrows to make it looking more dynamic - after coloring the circles I looked at a smiling face ;-)
This sketch is about writing and spreading a compelling story. I have chosen an old fashioned feather to symbolize a personal and hand written letter. Comments with birds are flying around, caring and spreading the story like doves.
UX skills are important for the whole product development team! I love to share my knowledge and train others - if you don't know anything about UX yet, the first session might be a bit overwhelming!
The last sketch is to symbolize that every business, service or product is nothing worth without a confident customer that pays for - so why not giving some love back?!
See how I can help

See how I can help

Sketching is fun :o) Last year I attended a workshop how to quickly visualize ideas. That's the outcome of my attempts to sketch my services. How Read More


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