BRIGHT RED is a powerful color symbolizing the blood of life - it's my favorite color, too. 
In this collage, red is used in contrast to black and white to emphazise the power of love and peace against war and destruction. I arranged the topics in January 2015 on response to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. 
It's a collection of art, quotes and photos of people and ideas I worship a lot:
BANKSY: "There is always hope"
Yoko Ono & John Lennon: "Imagine"
Thích Nhất Hạnh, vietnamese zen buddhist: 
"Peace in oneself, peace in the world"
"This is not a religion" is an adaption of
René Magritte`s surrealistic pipe picture (unknown)
Ghandi: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
BANKSY again with two soldiers drawing a peace symbol
a tank with red flowers as a tribute to all the unknown civilians 
resisting military power, such as at the Tian’anmen place
"It's about creating & sharing" from the comedian Bill Hicks
Power of Peace

Power of Peace

Inspired by peace activists and artists, I created this collage.
