Nurture is a new payroll software solution from Catalyst (formerly Paymaster Solutions) who approached me to brand two new products which also led to me rebranding the business as a whole. The objective was to appear fresh, intuitive and friendly whilst appealing to those in charge of using and influencing the purchase of enterprise level payroll and human capital management systems (this audience was identified by the client as being primarily middle aged females, likely with families).
The Nurture brand name was chosen from a shortlist that I presented for its suggestion of responsibility and scalability and the idea that the system grows with you and the business you operate within helping to provide an overview of your staff needs and helping them to grow within the business and therefore helping the business itself progress. The sales literature is a mix of clean and easy to digest, concise information and a beautiful image looking high up to the treetops in a forest to provide an aspirational and fresh image that also speaks of establishment.


Nurture is the brand I created for an enterprise level payroll, HR / human capital management solution.
