For February's issue, presenting Baltimore in the future of ten years time, Baltimore Magazine has contacted me to work on their cover. I was asked to illustrate Baltimore's skyline as it appears nowadays, with adding some futuristic twists of yet-to-be built structures which are predicted for the near future, such as the bridge, the ferris wheel and the pool. 
This project entailed relaying on existing elements by using references from photos, Google Maps and Google Earth, along with imagination and creation of the futuristic architectural elements.
Along with Amanda White-Iseli, Art Director of Baltimore Magazine, I tried to capture the right atmosphere and perspective for the issue. 
I want to thank my agents, Deborah Wolfe and Lisa Pomernatz, of Illustration Online agency, for applying me with this project. Thank you Lydia Woolever, associate editor at Baltimore magazine, for the interview and Keith Glassman for the issue's photograph of myself.
Baltimore Magazine Cover - February 2016

Baltimore Magazine Cover - February 2016

