Henkilön Kir Rostovsky profiili

Hearts & Arrows

Hearts & Arrows
'Hearts & Arrows' is definition for the best diamonds with ideal 57-faced cut. If look at the 'hearts and arrows' diamond from top one will see arrows combined from two rhombus and the geometrical shape resembling the heart if look from the bottom. So I decided to build up the packaging set based on this forms and structures. My logo made of 2 components the form of diamond transformed into heart form and the ancient sign of homeplace in Yakutia.
Packaging is based on rhombus pattern forming a structure, so I decided to enhance the effect by making it flexible. The mirror paper taken for that purpose creates an effect of the play of light on the surface. Each jewelry box has a short massage connected with the company values, it makes each purchase unique.
Hearts & Arrows

Hearts & Arrows

