Chambara is a BAFTA award-winning, first-person stealth deathmatch game published by USC Games in July 2016. 

For the year leading up to release, I served as a level designer with heavy influence 6 of our multiplayer maps: Festival, Neon City, Mono-Ha, Mine, Mansion, and Shipping Yard, each visible in more detail in this portfolio.

Included in this section is my level design supercut with gameplay on each level, as well as individual screenshots and insight towards their intended designs.
This map has vulnerable, high buildings in the center and highly camouflage-able corners that promotes clock-like, circular hide and seek gameplay. 
To see more info and gameplay on Festival, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here:
Neon City:
While all Chambara multiplayer maps create the illusion of hiding in shadow, Neon City is this experience intensified. The buildings in Neon City are taller than the average structure, and cast long, camouflaging shadows to play in and around.
To see more info and gameplay on Neon City, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here:
Mono-Ha was designed to have more open space, and therefore potential vulnerability, but to also have large swaths of space for both players to be undetectable from above, avoiding too big of an advantage for recently-respawned players. 
To see more info and gameplay on Mono-Ha, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here:
Mine was designed to be one of our more advanced multiplayer maps. Readability is intentionally less clear, and there's a lot of potential vertical movement compared to some of the other simpler maps. For improved clarity for this map in particular, below is an image rendered out of engine:
To see more info and gameplay on Mine, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here:

Glorious Mansion, or sometimes just Mansion, is another of our maps intended for higher level gameplay. It's layout is very simple--but the spawn-points with close proximity, as well as less objects to frame perspective creates fast-paced, frantic gameplay. This particular level is favored by developers as well more veteran Chambara players. 
To see more info and gameplay on Mansion, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here:
Shipping Yard:
Shipping Yard is probably my personal favorite of the levels I've worked on for Chambara. Most of our maps have spawn areas that don't see much actual fighting, but this map's spawn areas can be utilized as an 'upper ring' of combat not found in all of our maps. 
To see more info and gameplay on Shipping Yard, it's specific page on this portfolio can be found here: