| Project Objective |
The objective for this brand is to create modern and stylish patterns and designs to be placed on a white coffee mug. The message that will be communicated to customers is that they can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in a stylish mug while also supporting a good cause. Each mug will showcase a cancer ribbon to support every person touched by this illness. 
| Research |
When conducting research on this industry I have found that this product has a wide range of styles, colors and patterns used. When narrowing down on my targert market, I have decided to use soft lavendars and pinks as my main colors placed on a white mug with the splash of black found on the ribbon. I want to use a simple, suttle color scheme because I want the feel of the mug to be very clean and modern while putting a small focus on the ribbon. My true inspiration is a company called "Love your Melon." When you purchase a Love your Melon hat, one is donated to a child battleing cancer, to ensure that they always have a warm head. I wanted to create the same message with A Cup for a Cure.
| Concept & Solution |
To visually communicate the message of my product, I will use suttle color choices to allow for my ribbon to stand out. My packaging will be very clean cut and match the theme of each mug. All packing will be very functional, allowing for the design of the mug to viewed, but also housing space to allow the story behind the company to be told. I want my audience to feel like they are purchasing a product that they find pleasing to the eye while also knowing they are supporting a great cause. I want people to grab the product off the shelf because they find it modern and tasteful, but I want them to put it in their cart when they realize the story behind it. 
| Brand Message |
| Target Market |
The obvious target market for this product will be anyone who enjoys drinking a beverage out of a mug, but more than that, will be people who have somehow been touched by cancer in their life. The main target I am shooting to reach are women from age 15 to 70 who enjoy sporting around a stylish, meaningful mug. 

A Cup For A Cure

A Cup For A Cure

A Cup for a Cure was designed in a graphic design marketing class by a student. Her goal was to create a branding piece that is attractive on the Read More
