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Op Zoek Naar Een Hoorn

Op Zoek Naar Een Hoorn

'Op Zoek Naar Een Hoorn' is an online children's book about a Canadian Mounty who believes in unicorns. His father doesn't approve and his mounty friends are always teasing him about unicorns. So he decides to go and find a real live unicorn. But the unicorn he fiends doesn't have a horn..

The site uses a parallax scrolling effect to add a little depth to the story and the images.
The texts are in Dutch.
At the end of the story there are papertoys of the main characters you can download.

Op Zoek Naar Een Hoorn

Op Zoek Naar Een Hoorn

An online children's book about a Canadian Mounty who believes in unicorns. The website uses parallax scrolling to add a little depth to the stor Read More
