Sabrina Franklin's profile

Personal Design Manifesto

Design Manifesto
"I am a craft creative but also a perfectionist. Since I was little I found a love of making things by hand, such as sketchbooks, collaging images with paint, creating large scale pictures, using fineliners and watercolours and especially using 3D elements like ribbon, lace, buttons etc to decorate things. I often collect these things as I find them to use at a later stage and I end up having a very colourful collection. However, when something doesn’t go the right way or turn out how I imagined it would, I want to start all over again until I am happy with the outcome, but there will always be something that I feel isn’t right. 
Making things by hand soon lead me to learn to use my eyes more and this made me appreciate colour, especially the transition of red to purple in the rainbow. The colours in the 
rainbow facsinate me, for instance having a big pack of coloured card in colour order replicating the rainbow, makes my day. There is nothing I love more than to open a fresh pack of card or a fresh pallete of watercolours and start creating. I now use colour in every piece possible that I create and when situations arrise that limit me to only use one or two colours, for instance blue, I will use many different shades of blue as I can. Colours make me feel unique."
Personal Design Manifesto

Personal Design Manifesto

Taking into account all that you have learned and respond to in Part 01 - we want you to take a stance on the design industry and formulate your Read More
