Insetti Inetti - All'Epoca della Termoveggenza

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Insetti Inetti
all'epoca della termoveggenza

Second exhibition for the laboratory EXP.
This project was a performance that has involved 16 artist from all Italy making a wall painting in the walls of the exposition place in EXP.
Two of those artists are just famous in the world of wall painting and pop surrealism.
Zed ( and Max Ferrigno (
The illustrators have been divided in 6 group. Each group take a portion of the wall and from 3 P.M. to 11 P.M. all the artists worked together to make the illustrations you can see in this page.
Graphic design of the event made by EXP. Marco Mirko Nani, Marco Cirillo Pedri (
Screen Printing Equipment for the T-shirt made by Tordelli Carnivori, Simone sid Giannelli, Mario Viti.
Poster and Flyer
Badge for artists
T-shirt Design
Screen Printing Equipment
A panoramic of the space before the wall painting
A panoramic of the space after the wall painting
Insetti Inetti - All'Epoca della Termoveggenza
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