Happy Hour Relic
coffee table
This hip coffee table is the product of 100% pure serendipity. Originally a kitchen table from IKEA, it was disassembled and stacked up to take to a donation center. One Saturday afternoon, I became an unwitting host to Happy Hour. In need of a snack and drink surface, this unfinished piece of pine furniture saved the day - and it's place in the living room!
The unfinished table received 3 coats of stain before finding it's way to the Shopbot CNC router. The hexagon-based star pattern was originally designed to embellish a teapot I entered in a design competition. I laid out the pattern to fit the tabletop, making sure to utilize some negative space for effect.
Using the Shopbot, I cut a shallow depression of the pattern, and selected a 3 color paint theme to fill the voids. I used a syringe to inject the paint into the appropriate zones evenly. After several coats of paint, I finished the piece with a clear coat. The final effect created an amber, somewhat vintage, quality to the piece.
The Happy Hour Relic table was featured as part of the South First Friday Art Walk in August 2011.
Happy Hour Relic
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Happy Hour Relic

Happy Hour Relic - 2011 Coffee table fabricated from reclaimed materials. Pine wood with latex paint and polyurethane finish. 47"x 29"x 12"

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